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Top 20 Gastrointestinal Oral Cavity

A Navigation Guide for Top20Gastrointestinal Oral Cavity.com

Digestive System 2- Oral Cavity, Wendy Riggs (19:49)

A good lecture that looks at the oral cavity and its role in digestion. Discussion includes the kinds of teeth found in the oral cavity; the salivary glands and the substances found in saliva, and the pharynx.

Mouth, Khan Academy (7:29)

Khan Academy discusses the content of the mouth including the tongue and its intrinsic and extrinsic muscles; the salivary glands; and the role of the mouth in digestion

Teeth, Khan Academy (7:56)

Khan Academy explores the different types of teeth present in the oral cavity and what they do. He also talks about the third molar teeth (wisdom teeth) and explains why most people have them removed.

Saliva - Enzymes in Saliva, Suman Bhattacharjee (9:23)

Suman talks about the intrinsic and extrinsic salivary glands, where they’re located and the enzymes found in the saliva they produce.

Genetic Considerations of Diseases and Disorders that Affect the Oral Cavity, Louisiana State University, Health Sciences Center

This website explores diseases that affect the oral cavity.

Pathology - A Review for the Dental Hygienist, Algonquin Academic (33:25)

The video is geared towards dental hygienists, but provides a fast paced review of oral pathology, that can also be of interest to medical students. Fordyce granules,ranula, leukoderma, TB, syphilis, epstein-barr virus, dermatitis/mucositis, SLE, and hematoma are some of the diseases covered. Images and descriptions are provided for each disease.